Gatherings Gatherings may be centered around personal readings, stories, singing, movement, brief bodywork sessions, or perhaps an introduction to one of the listed Restorative Practices.
Your choice of a focus for gatherings may complement and enrich retreats or adult birthday parties, vacations with friends or family or perhaps for building understanding, skills and stronger connections in group living situations. A Guide to the I Ching Carol Anthony’s book takes the sometimes difficult to understand messages of the I Ching and turns them into plain English. Very good for beginners, or anyone who seeks perspective and guidance from readings. Readings may be for individuals or groups. Introduction to the Medicine Cards Native Americans gained knowledge and important messages through their deep connection with animals, plants, the land and the sky. beautiful tales of animals, collected and interpreted by Jamie Sams and David Carson, can open windows on our personal journeys and on how the mysterious universe works. Readings are typically for individuals but may also apply for groups. Archetypical stories to guide our lives Reading and telling archetypical stories helps us understand and appreciate childhood and adult experiences which have shaped our responses to the world. The universal wisdom of these stories gives us the necessary steps to becoming healthy and empowered individuals in our relationships and in our culture. Singing to Heal the Spirit “As long as we live, there is never enough singing.” — Martin Luther The human voice, alone and with others, is a powerful vehicle for healing. Open your heart on a journey of voice and breath Experience your own healing vocal sounds. Sing beautiful repetitive chants interwoven with periods of quiet stillness. Moving with Ease Discover how slow and gentle movement from T’ai Chi, Feldenkrais and Trager body re-education can bring about deep overall relaxation and contribute to greater flexibility, improved range of motion and more balanced effortless posture. Some call it “Meditation for those who can’t sit still.” |
Liberty, Maine [email protected] |